Thursday, February 9, 2012

Joe's Session 1 Feedback and Thoughts

Let me start off by saying that I believe we have planted an awesome seed here! After the first session, I have one suggestion and one thought:

Suggestion: While I enjoyed the conversation, I thought it was a little chaotic and over the map. I think we need to have two, maybe three points that we discuss in detail. We can agree on them before the meeting or in the first minutes. Alternatively, each person can have one Big Thought that they took away from the reading, and lead a discussion on that idea for about 10 minutes. These will help guide the discussions and be more fruitful.

Thought: An interesting social norm is volunteering. It's something we do for free, on our own time, in order to get the "warm & fuzzys". Work, on the other hand, is what - as we discussed - we do for money. Why do these things have to be separate? Why can't our volunteer work create economic value for all involved, and why can't we get our "warm & fuzzys" from work?

- Joe

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hey guys,

This is iteration #1 on the blog. Give me feedback and we'll make it better.

This blog serves to update on coming meetings, select topics, locations, and allow each of us to give our $0.02 on the topics discussed.

Our first meeting is this Thursday, February 9th, 8-9am. Location TBD.

God Bless,
- Joe